We are so fortunate that the Triangle Area has become a regular stop for some really amazing Ashtanga teachers, and a wonderful community of Ashtangis has grown up here. Several events are on the calendar for this fall in the area - I'll list what I'm up to here in Cary/Apex first, but be sure to read all the way to the bottom for what's coming to Durham, and Chatham County as well.
Upcoming events - Ashtanga Yoga of Cary
Lifetime Fitness - I'll be teaching the Sunday morning Ashtanga 8:30-9:30am on August 26, September 9, and September 23. Hope to see some of you Lifetimers there!
Blue Moon on the Pond - Thursday, August 30, 6-7:30pm at AYC - That's right - this coming full moon is a Blue Moon (second full moon in the same month), so I'll be leading a Full Moon Sequence practice during what would normally be the Ashtanga level 2/3 class on Thursday.
Labor Day Weekend - No classes on Friday, August 31, or Saturday, September 1 for Labor Day weekend. I will have class as usual on Monday, September 3, 6-7:15pm at Yoga Garden in Apex.
Beginning September 14, I'll be subbing for Brittany at Yoga Garden on Fridays at 9:30am, and continuing through October. This will be a level 1/2 vinyasa class. Hope some of you can make it!
Ashtanga Yoga: Nuts and Bolts Workshop; September 15, 1:00-3:00pm, Yoga Garden, Apex - Been to a few Ashtanga classes and still not sure if you are doing it “right”? This workshop will focus on the nuts and bolts of the Ashtanga practice. Beginning with breath and vinyasa, we’ll work through the Sun Salutaions, standing poses, and a few of the seated poses of the Ashtanga Primary series. We’ll focus on the alignment and intention of each vinyasa and pose, and end with a short discussion session for questions.
Upcoming Ashtanga events - Triangle area
Eddie Stern at Ride the Breath September 28-October 1 - Eddie Stern is the owner and director of Ashtanga Yoga New York (www.ayny.org) Details at www.ridethebreath.com
AshtoberFest in Chatham County October 19-21 - a fun filled Ashtanga yoga weekend at Skip and Mary Ann Doty's place in Chatham County - several teachers will be leading Mysore and guided practices, as well as some discussions/chats. Oh, and there will be snacks! contact Skip Doty at jpskipdoty@aol.com for details
David Garrigues at Ashtanga Yoga Club Durham November 16-18 - David will be returning to the Triangle for a weekend workshop. www.ashtangayogaclubdurham.blogspot.com