Contact info:

Stacy Ingham teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in the tradition of the late Sri K Pattabhi Jois, and the Moon Sequence from Matthew Sweeney's Vinyasa Krama. Ashtanga Yoga of Cary (AYC) encompasses classes Stacy teaches at studios in Cary and Apex, NC. A variety of classes are available from introductory/led classes to a fully accessible Mysore program open to all levels and abilities. Please contact Stacy directly for registration and location information and any other questions.

email Stacy Ingham
by phone: 919-880-9409

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Mysore Intensive February 2012

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Beginner's Mind

It was a strange day in the yoga studio today.  My practice before class felt like I was practicing with someone else's body.  Everything was still accessible, there was no pain, but it just felt very unfamiliar.  This was more than "winter body", and maybe it has to do with some anesthesia still in my body from a procedure earlier in the week, but either way...strange.  Some poses that are normally difficult felt easy, and some that are normally quite nice felt very intense.  But pain. 

The Mysore class reported similar experiences - some folks were a bit tentative, others practicing alternative sequences...all was well in the end.  Today was a day to practice with a beginner's mind...come to the mat and see what happens...let go of expectations, but keep the curiosity.

I look forward to my next practice...will I have my body back? 

1 comment:

  1. YES!! I love that you have a daily practice of meditation and are so in tune with who you are and what you need to be productive and creative.

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