Contact info:

Stacy Ingham teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in the tradition of the late Sri K Pattabhi Jois, and the Moon Sequence from Matthew Sweeney's Vinyasa Krama. Ashtanga Yoga of Cary (AYC) encompasses classes Stacy teaches at studios in Cary and Apex, NC. A variety of classes are available from introductory/led classes to a fully accessible Mysore program open to all levels and abilities. Please contact Stacy directly for registration and location information and any other questions.

email Stacy Ingham
by phone: 919-880-9409

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Mysore Intensive February 2012

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Is Yoga Enough?

I've had a few people ask me recently about my practice and if it's enough...

"Do you only do yoga?"; "Do you also Swim/Bike/Run/etc?"  "What about Cardio training?"

Yes, I only do yoga...6 days a week (mostly).  At least that is my "workout" routine.  I swim/bike/run/etc whenever I want to or when I have time, but not as part of any kind of training or regimen, and when I do, I find I have plenty of strength an endurance to do what I want, keep up with the kids and family, and enjoy my time off the mat.  And that's really the point anyway.  Yoga to support my life, rather than the other way around.

As far as cardio training, the purpose is to train the heart muscle to pump blood more efficiently, improving circulation and getting more oxygen to the body.  Yoga does that.

The rhythmic movement and breath of the Ashtanga practice definitely gets my heart rate up, I break a sweat, and there are a few sequences of poses that leave me a bit winded, telling me I am challenging my body.  Plus, there are a few sequences (Sun B anyone?) that used to be a bit more challenging but are no longer, telling me I am getting stronger and building endurance.

Yoga does all the things for me what my old workouts used to give me and more.  I love the movement of the whole body together as one, and the feeling that every muscle is being used to its greatest potential (and discovering new ones occasionally!).  Yoga feels for me is how a dog must feel when allowed to run free outside on a beautiful, clear spring day...Ahhhh!!

But the real test is a day like today - a rarity in NC in August - sunny with a few puffy clouds, lower temps and humidty, and nothing on the calendar until later.  What a perfect day to head out on the bike trails and enjoy the breezes and the scenery (I ran into a family of deer on the path!) with plenty of energy and strength to go as far as I want.  Yes, Yoga is enough for me!


  1. There's really no answer to this question. Combination of : "Which kind of yoga done with what amount of devotion?" and "Enough for what?" come close.

  2. i like yoga. Yoga is the natural way to stay happy, healthy and stress free. It is the best home exercises you can do around the house.
    Yoga Teacher Training In India
